Faculty and Staff Directory
Adjunct Instructor
Doctor of Public Service, honoris causa, Clarion University; B.A., Allegheny College
Email: callison@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3360
Adjunct Instructor
Email: jashbaugh@allegheny.edu
Email: cbailey@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2301
Ph.D., The University of Houston; M.F.A., Columbia University; B.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison
Email: cbakken@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4338
Ph.D., M.A., University of New Hampshire; B.A. University of Northern Colorado
Email: tbensel@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2309
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., M.S., Indiana University-Purdue University; B.A., Knox College
Email: mbertholomey@allegheny.edu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., SUNY ESF; MPPA, University of Missouri-St. Louis; MPH, University of Missouri-Columbia; B.A., Missouri State University
Email: ebethurem@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2506
Assistant Professor
Email: mbetush@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5352
Adjunct Instructor
Email: hbeverburg@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3356
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Kentucky; M.S., University of Kentucky; M.A. Bowling Green State University; B.A. Bowling Green State University
Email: tbianco@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3244
Dean for the Student Experience
Email: ibinning@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2310
Assistant Professor
Email: rblair@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5326
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.A., University of Illinois; B.A., University of Wisconsin
Email: abloeser@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3345
Associate Professor
PhD, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Information Science and Technology with specialization in Bioinformatics; M.S, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Mathematics; B.S., Creighton University, Biology
Email: obonhamcarter@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2907
Director, Sustainability
Email: kboulton@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2862
Ph.D., Yale University; M.S., Michigan Technological University; B.A., Northland College
Email: rbowden@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2869
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., Marshall University; B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
Email: cbradshawwilson@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3221
Assistant Professor
Master of Fine Art, Visual Studies, The State University of New York
Email: hbrand@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3386
Assistant Professor
PhD, The Graduate Center, City University of New York; MA, Case Western Reserve University; BA, Emory University
Email: pburleigh@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3383
Email: dbyrnes@allegheny.edu
Email: scaballe@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4329
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of California; M.S., University of California; B.A., Wesleyan University
Email: icarbone@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2380
Visiting Assistant Professor
Email: acarpenter@allegheny.edu
Associate Professor
BA/MA, State University of NY, Potsdam College; Ph. D., State University of NY, University at Albany
Email: bcarswel@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5348
Email: wchan@allegheny.edu
Email: tchapp@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5324
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.A. The Ohio State University; B.S., Calcutta University
Email: mchowdhury@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2390
Assistant Professor
Email: mchristmas@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4337
Email: rclark@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4960
Adjunct Instructor
Email: aclaus@allegheny.edu
Email: ccoenen@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2703
Email: tconners@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3389
Email: mcosdon@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2304
Adjunct Instructor
Email: mcrowley@allegheny.edu
Email: rdawson@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2196
Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Email: jdearden@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3393
Ph.D., Stanford University; B.S. Chemistry & B.A. Mathematics, Bethel College
Email: adeckert@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5329
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Dayton; MTS Tyndale University College and Seminary; M.A., Northeastern Seminary; B.A., Niagara University
Email: ddelgado@allegheny.edu
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D. University of Alabama; M.S., University of Maine; B.S., Shippensburg University
Email: ldemi@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2343
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Toronto Metropolitan University & York University; M.A., University of Toronto; B.A. (Hons), McMaster University
Email: mdevries@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3203
Adjunct Instructor
Email: kdill@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3356
Visiting Assistant Professor
D.M.A., University of Wisconsin; M.M., Pennsylvania State University; B.S., Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
Email: mdolan@allegheny.edu
Adjunct Instructor
Email: cdolanc@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3356
Associate Professor
Email: apoynor@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2911
Visiting Assistant Professor
Email: mdufayverbie@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2329
Adjunct Instructor
Email: seaglesdill@allegheny.edu
Email: deberhardt@allegheny.edu
Email: leckstein@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5955
Visiting Associate Professor
D.Phil., Oxford University; B.A. Hons, University of Cape Town
Email: sfarrell@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5323
Ph.D., West Virginia University; MFA., University of Pittsburgh; B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Email: mferrence@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4339
Associate Professor
PhD, Tufts University; RDN, University of Arizona; MS Iowa State University; BS SUNY Stony Brook
Email: afinaret@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2793
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy; M.S. Iowa State University, Agricultural Economics; B.S. Stony Brook University, Mathematics & Statistics
Email: cfinaret@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3340
Email: nframbes@allegheny.edu
Email: jfranz@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-6270
Adjunct Instructor
Email: bfreeland@allegheny.edu
Email: lfrench@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3306
Adjunct Instructor
Email: jfroman2@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3356
Adjunct Instructor
Email: jfroman@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3308
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Biological Chemistry/Biophysics), University of North Carolina; B.S. (Chemistry), Florida International University
Email: igarcia@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5357
Email: bgetschman@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2813
Assistant Professor
Email: kgeyer@allegheny.edu
Visiting Assistant Professor
Email: jgiardini@allegheny.edu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Stanford University, Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics; B.S., University of Michigan, Interdisciplinary Physics; B.M.A. University of Michigan, Violin Performance
Email: egraber@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2883
Assistant Professor
MFA,, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; B.A., University of Southern California
Email: mgreen@allegheny.edu
Assistant Professor
Email: cgriffin@allegheny.edu
Email: eguldan@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2985
Adjunct Instructor
Email: jguthrie@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2813
Adjunct Instructor
Email: ghanak@allegheny.edu
Email: ahart@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4875
Email: bharward@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3027
Sustainability Coordinator
Email: khatcher@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3749
Email: khaywood@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4306
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin; B.S., Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Email: che@allegheny.edu
Email: whernand@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2319
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.A., University of Kentucky; B.A., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Email: therrera@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2325
Email: jherrman@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4303
Email: bhersh@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5206
Ph.D., M.A., Boston University; M.Sc., Georgia State University; B.A., Hons., University of Pretoria
Email: jheucher@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2397
Email: rhilal@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3310
Email: rhoey@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2308
Email: jaholler@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2910
Associate Professor
Email: jhollerm@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2389
Assistant Professor
Email: lholmes@allegheny.edu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University; B.S., Animal Behavior, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Email: jhoutz@allegheny.edu
Email: thumphre@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2967
Adjunct Instructor
Email: vjamison@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3774
Email: wjamison@allegheny.edu
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.A., University of Nebraska at Omaha; B.S., Peru State College
Email: jjumadinova@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2881
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., in Cell and Molecular Physiology, The University of North Carolina; BSc in Microbiology, Biochemistry and Medical Lab Technology, Andhra University, India
Email: mkadmiel@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5375
Visiting Assistant Professor
Email: ckambhu@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2352
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.S., University of Pittsburgh; B.S., Allegheny College
Email: gkapfham@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2880
Director, Creek Connections
Email: wkedzier@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5351
M.F.A., Brooklyn College; M.A., Marquette University; B.A., Pennsylvania State University;
Email: mkeeley@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2305
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.A., University of Iowa; J.D., The University of Cincinnati; B.A., The Ohio State University
Email: akeysor@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4309
Associate Professor
Email: skirschn@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2403
Associate Professor
PhD., Duke University; M.A., Duke University; B.A., Stony Brook University
Email: akrone@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2879
Assistant Professor
Email: lkueffer@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2351
Email: ikurtsal@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3311
Adjunct Instructor
Email: dlacey@allegheny.edu
Email: cleech@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2839
Adjunct Instructor
Email: jlewis@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3354
Associate Professor
Ph.D., The University of North Carolina; M.A., Boston University; B.A., Furman University
Email: blewis@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2322
Assistant Professor
Email: zli@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5955
Email: alobello@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5340
Email: jalombar@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2975
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Binghamton University; M.A., University of Freiburg; B.A., University of Frankfurt
Email: jludewig@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2327
Email: dluman@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2881
Visiting Assistant Professor
Email: ylv@allegheny.edu
Email: smattiac@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3349
Assistant Dean, International Student Services
Email: lmccandless@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2898
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh; M.F.A., University of Texas at Austin; B.S. Northwestern University
Email: mmehler@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2302
Adjunct Instructor
Email: tmeure@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3914
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.A., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; A.B., Duke University
Email: jmiller2@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4331
Adjunct Instructor
Email: cmiller@allegheny.edu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Iowa; M.A., Georgia State University; B.A., John Carroll University
Email: bmiller2@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4302
Dean of Inclusive Excellence
Ph.D., M.A., Purdue University, B.A., Trinity College
Email: hroberson@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2724
Adjunct Instructor
Email: amosbacher@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2813
Head Coach, Cross Country and Track & Field
Email: bmourer@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3318
Adjunct Instructor
Email: mmoyer@allegheny.edu
Email: smurphre@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5358
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Utah; M.Sc., Universidad Complutense; B.A., Universidad de Salamanca
Email: mnelson@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2788
D.M.A., University of Connecticut; M.M., Binghamton University; B.A., Allegheny College
Email: jniblock@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3305
Adjunct Instructor
Email: cniblock@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3774
Email: tnonnenm@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3820
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Central Michigan University; M.A. Towson University; B.A., Bloomsburg University
Email: cnormile@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2186
Dean, Student Success
Email: eoday@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4738
Email: roliver@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3344
M.A., Ph.D., University of Connecticut; M.S., University of Ife; B.S., University of Port Harcourt;
Email: sonyeiwu@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3338
Email: rormisto@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2887
Email: epalmer@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3312
Email: lpaulson@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2468
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; M.S., Frostburg State University; B.S., Juniata College
Email: kpearce@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2164
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Wyoming; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; B.S., University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Email: ppersich@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5359
Email: dpetasis@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5330
Associate Director, Pre-Professional Advising
Email: kpeterso@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2845
Email: rpickering@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3210
Email: kpinnow@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4308
Adjunct Instructor
Email: wplyler@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3356
Associate Professor
Ph. D., M.A., University of Pittsburgh; B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology
Email: aribeiro@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4319
Assistant Provost, Academic Innovation
MFA in Emerging Practices, The State University of New York at Buffalo; BFA, University of Calgary
Email: brich@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3381
Email: briess@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2323
Visiting Assistant Professor
PhD, American Studies and Culture; B.A., Community and Justice Studies
Email: cross@allegheny.edu
Adjunct Instructor
Email: rroth@allegheny.edu
Adjunct Instructor
Email: asage@allegheny.edu
Academic Support, Gis Manager and Instructor
Email: cshaffer@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2719
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Maryland; M.A., University of Birmingham; Graduate Certificate and M.A., University of Maryland; B.A. Colby College
Email: bshaw@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2097
Email: vsilva@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4385
Ph.D., Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California; M.A., B.A., University of Bombay
Email: iroy@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4384
Assistant Professor
Email: hstandiford@allegheny.edu
Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board
Email: sstephen@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5380
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, Agricultural and Resource Economics; M.A., Boston University, Economics; B.A., China Agricultural University, Economics; B.A., University of Colorado, Economics
Email: xsun@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3346
Email: ithomas@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3379
Email: jtompkins@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2307
Adjunct Instructor
Email: wtucker@allegheny.edu
Email: mvenesky@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2195
Associate Professor
M.D., Harvard Medical School; Ph.D., Department of English, New York University; M.A., Department of English, New York University
Email: jvotava@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4334
Email: cwaggett@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2715
Email: kwarren@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2392
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D candidate, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Masters in Taxation, B.S., B.A. (Accounting),Robert Morris University
Email: jwaugh@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3347
Email: rweir@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3391
Ph.D., M.S., Colorado State University; B.A., State University of New York, Binghamton
Email: cwerner@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5342
Email: swesoky@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3343
Adjunct Instructor
Email: mwest@allegheny.edu
Ph.D., University of South Florida; M.S., Michigan State University; B.S., University of Illinois
Email: lwhitena@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2888
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Iowa; M.A., University of North Carolina; B.A., Baylor University
Email: jwiebel@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4787
Email: dwilley@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-5368
Email: twilliams@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3360
Associate Professor
Ph.D., State University of New York; M.A., Georgia State University; B.A., Beijing Language and Culture University
Email: gwu@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4307
Academic Support, Technical Director
Ph.D., University of Iowa; M.A., University of North Carolina; B.A., Baylor University
Email: lyeckley@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3785
Assistant Professor
Email: ayusuf@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3334
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, Agricultural and Resource Economics; M.S., Boston University, Actuarial Science; B.A., University of Colorado Denver, Economics
Email: hzhao@allegheny.edu