Student Leadership and Engagement
As a student leader, you’ll grow into a community leader and global citizen. Take advantage of meaningful opportunities for leadership development, social interaction, community building, and educational growth.
Leadership Programs
The Global Citizen Scholars Program invites you and other students from broad and diverse backgrounds to investigate a topic through the lens of a relevant global theme and/or world region. Over the course of the program you will have the opportunity to combine your coursework with high-impact experiences and advising.
The Allegheny Bonner Program merges leadership, education, and service, allowing you to be an active leader and change-maker in your local community. Allegheny is one of only three schools selected to offer both the Bonner Scholar and Bonner Leader Program.
More Ways to Get Involved
Cornerstone Award Recipients
The Allegheny Cornerstone Award was created to recognize the accomplishments of outstanding seniors who have contributed positively to the Allegheny community. Recipients are chosen on the basis of leadership, community involvement, and academic accomplishments throughout their tenure at Allegheny. Most importantly, these seniors leave a legacy behind once they graduate.
Most Recent Winners
- Rutendo Mavunga
- Kaitlyn Royal
- Blake Neiderlander
- Isabelle Wakefield
- Beatrice Foley
Statement of Community
Allegheny students and employees are committed to creating an inclusive, respectful, and safe residential learning community that will actively confront and challenge racism, sexism, heterosexism, religious bigotry, and other forms of harassment and discrimination. We encourage individual growth by promoting a free exchange of ideas in a setting that values diversity, trust, and equality. So that the right of all to participate in a shared learning experience is upheld, Allegheny affirms its commitment to the principles of freedom of speech and inquiry, while at the same time fostering responsibility and accountability in the exercise of these freedoms. This statement does not replace existing personnel policies and codes of conduct.