Faculty and Staff DirectoryInternational Studies
Assistant Professor
Department Chair
Ph.D., M.A., University of Wisconsin; M.A., Jordan University of Science and Technology; B.A., Yarmouk University
Email: salkyam@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2318
Email: tconners@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3389
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy; M.S. Iowa State University, Agricultural Economics; B.S. Stony Brook University, Mathematics & Statistics
Email: cfinaret@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3340
Associate Professor
Department Chair
Ph.D., M.A., Stanford University; B.A., University of Chicago
Email: khaywood@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4306
Department Chair
Ph.D., M.A., University of Connecticut; B.A., Universidad Central de Venezuela
Email: whernand@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2319
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.A., University of Kentucky; B.A., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Email: therrera@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2325
Email: rhilal@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3310
Associate Professor
Ph.D., The University of North Carolina; M.A., Boston University; B.A., Furman University
Email: blewis@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2322
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Binghamton University; M.A., University of Freiburg; B.A., University of Frankfurt
Email: jludewig@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2327
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Iowa; M.A., Georgia State University; B.A., John Carroll University
Email: bmiller2@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4302
M.A., Ph.D., University of Connecticut; M.S., University of Ife; B.S., University of Port Harcourt;
Email: sonyeiwu@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-3338
Email: kpinnow@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4308
Deputy Chair
Ph.D., Arizona State University; M.A., B.A. University of Connecticut
Email: briess@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-2323
Associate Professor
Ph.D., State University of New York; M.A., Georgia State University; B.A., Beijing Language and Culture University
Email: gwu@allegheny.edu
Phone: 814-332-4307
Associated Programs
- American Sign Language
- Arabic
- Art, Science, and Innovation
- Astronomy
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Black Studies
- Business
- Chemistry
- Chinese Studies
- Communication and Media
- Community and Justice Studies
- Computer Science
- Dance and Movement Studies
- Data Science
- Economics
- Education Studies
- Energy and Society
- English
- Environmental Science and Sustainability
- Film and Digital Storytelling
- French
- Geology
- German
- Global Health Studies
- Healthcare Management
- History
- Industrial Design
- Informatics
- International Studies
- Jewish Studies
- Journalism and Documentary Storytelling
- Latin American and Carribbean Studies
- Mathematics
- Middle East and North African Studies
- Music
- Neuroscience
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Humanities
- Religion in American Life
- Religious Studies
- Software Engineering
- Spanish
- Studio Art
- Theatre
- Watershed Conservation Research Center
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies