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Dara Delgado

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., University of Dayton; MTS Tyndale University College and Seminary; M.A., Northeastern Seminary; B.A., Niagara University

Angela Keysor

Associate Professor

Ph.D., M.A., University of Iowa; J.D., The University of Cincinnati; B.A., The Ohio State University

Heather Moore Roberson

Dean of Inclusive Excellence

Department Chair

Ph.D., M.A., Purdue University, B.A., Trinity College

Alyssa Ribeiro

Associate Professor

Department Coordinator

Ph. D., M.A., University of Pittsburgh; B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology

Barbara Shaw

Associate Professor

Department Chair

Ph.D., University of Maryland; M.A., University of Birmingham; Graduate Certificate and M.A., University of Maryland; B.A. Colby College