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Planetary health learning objectives: foundational knowledge for global health education in an era of climate change

In collaboration with experts from around the globe, Professor Caryl Waggett co-authored an article aimed at setting foundational learning objectives for planetary health.

Africa’s ‘youthquake’: huge numbers of young people have no jobs, the wrong skills and little hope

In an interview with Assistant Editor Moina Spooner of The Conversation, Stephen Onyeiwu discusses Africa's growing importance in shaping future global consumption, culture, and stability.

President’s Corner: Why a strategic “pathway” is better than a plan

To drive innovation in Allegheny’s student experience, President Ron Cole crafted his leadership vision around a strategic “pathway” rather than a traditional strategic plan. With increasing external pressures felt by colleges and universities, he believes these guidelines provide him the plasticity to adapt to emerging student and workforce needs.

The Lay of the Land Earns Educator a Fulbright

Dr. Adrienne Krone has tapped into the Fulbright Canada research chair in religion and pluralism at the University of Calgary for a sabbatical during the 2024-25 academic year.

What Colleges Offer Businesses That Businesses Need

President Cole discusses how higher education, particularly liberal arts, can meet employer and industry needs and close the disconnect between higher education and economic development.

Byron Rich Featured in Academic Leader on “Embracing Hometowns: Economic Resilience and Hyperlocal Focus”

Institutions of higher education can play a transformative role in the economic sustainability of the regions that they call home. Colleges and universities need to position themselves to create thriving ecosystems based on legacy industries and the emerging technologies that will define how those industries transition into viable 21st-century operations.

Liberal Arts Microcredentials on the Rise

Professor Byron Rich says the goal of the College’s microcredentials program is to make sure “our students have the tools to be able to best tell their academic story.”

Becky Dawson featured in MedPage Today

Becky Smullin Dawson, MPH, Ph.D., spoke with MedPage Today about COVID-19 facts and how a recent study demonstrates the enormous scope of misinformation online. “I think the authors are pointing out an opportunity — notes are a way to get accurate and credible information onto X. It is a band-aid solution to the wicked problem […]

2024 Margaret Morse Nice Medal Recipient: Ron Mumme

Dr. Ron Mumme, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biology at Allegheny College, is this year’s Margaret Morse Nice Medal recipient from the Wilson Ornithological Society. Dr. Mumme’s major research interests are animal behavior and avian behavioral ecology, and since 2010, his research has focused on the the relationship between plumage pattern and foraging performance in the […]

Professor James Lombardi Featured In Go Erie | Diamond rings, disco balls and Erie’s total eclipse event – an astrophysicist explains

Astrophysicist Jamie Lombardi, PhD, shares key points to ensure full appreciation of the extremely rare event of the solar eclipse. Although solar eclipses are fairly common, total solar eclipses in any given region are rare. In Erie and Crawford counties, the last total eclipse occurred in 1806, and after this month, the next one won’t […]