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No matter where alumni end up, other Allegheny College graduates aren’t too far away. In the case of Tim Kloeppel ’15 and Nicholas Dias ’17, it happened to be the same company.

Upon discovering their shared alma mater, Kloeppel and Dias formed a connection at Penta Group, where they support global communications and public affairs leaders with data-driven stakeholder solutions.

“Allegheny has a great alumni network,” remarks Kloeppel. “The people I’ve run into after graduating always want to help out and stay in touch.”

Kloeppel serves as the director of the corporate partnerships team, spearheading the attraction of new clients in the global Fortune 500. Meanwhile, Dias is a director on the strategy team, leading strategic communications and brand reputation campaigns.

After graduating with a degree in international studies with a minor in German, Kloeppel worked in mortgage banking in Chicago and then pivoted to Washington, D.C. to pursue a master’s degree in German and European Studies at Georgetown University.


(Allegheny) taught me how to think more broadly and complexly about whatever I was focused on. Over the course of my career, it’s helped me, especially in sales… to think more internationally, more globally,” notes Kloeppel. “Additionally, studying abroad in Germany during my time at Allegheny helped me encounter new perspectives and cultures. That’s really valuable in a professional environment.


Kloeppel soon took an opportunity with Water Street Partners as an associate focused on joint ventures and partnerships. Before long, he pivoted into technology by joining a software-as-a-service start-up and a policy consulting firm until stepping into this role at Penta Group.

Kloeppel says that there’s one thing from Allegheny College which continues to resonate with him as a professional. “The main thing that sticks with me to this day is the expectation of excellence,” he says. “Having that instilled at Allegheny is something that has helped me step up my game and I would argue gave me an edge wherever I was, regardless of company.”

Conversely, after Dias graduated with a degree in managerial economics with a philosophy minor, he hit the ground running as he pursued soccer professionally, worked at the U.S. Soccer Foundation, and an impact investing firm.


The combination of economics and philosophy was great because not only did I learn how to analyze complex data sets (with economics)… but in philosophy, it’s a lot of long-form arguments, thoughtful writing, and being clear or concise. A lot of that paired well with being able to communicate complex ideas for clients or write in the voice of other people,” says Dias. “I love philosophy, and it continues to be one of my passions to this day. I’ll always be thankful for the professors in the philosophy department (at Allegheny) for inspiring my love for the genre.


Eventually, Dias relocated to Washington D.C., to join an agency specializing in public affairs. Today, he attends the University of Virginia to earn his executive master’s in business administration and plays on a competitive amateur soccer team, while at Penta Group.

Dias credits his time as a student-athlete for strengthening his character and forming lasting relationships.

“I think both individual and team sports can teach you valuable lessons particularly about resilience. The way Allegheny facilitates their athletic programs was great,” says Dias. “I’ll always be grateful for Coach Panzetta… he did a lot to foster relationships among alumni. It will always feel like home–going back to the Allegheny soccer team– and if I ever find anybody who played Allegheny soccer, it’s like finding a brother.”

Dias says his rigorous education prepared him for the real world, and is grateful for the experience.

“I have such love for Allegheny. I felt like when I finished my Allegheny experience, I was ready to do it again,” reflects Dias. “I really enjoyed the people that I spent time with, and those relationships have lasted…I’m really appreciative of my time at Allegheny.”

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