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One of the hallmarks of Allegheny College is the requirement for students to select majors and minors that push exploration of their interests. 

We are a campus of students who combine passions for their learning journey, preparing them for much more than one thing to do in life. The outcomes are exceptional, both in the exposure they get to disparate ideas, people, and experiences as well as demonstrable strengthening of their appeal to employers. 

Jennifer Dearden, Interim Provost and Dean of the Faculty, said, “Allegheny students excel at considering problems from multiple perspectives. This type of critical thinking and informed decision-making are both in high demand by employers, and are skills that are applicable and transferable across the employment landscape. ”

What are the benefits of unusual major-minor combinations or double majors? A study published by Cambridge University Press found that students who double major in business and a STEM field typically earn more than those with just one major.

It can make your resume stand out by emphasizing to potential employers your motivation and range of skills. It opens more career opportunities and provides a backup plan should your career path change or it takes a while to land a job. For example, maybe you’re passionate about photography, even though photography jobs are extremely competitive. Doubling up with a major in computer science could increase your chances of finding employment.

Allegheny students’ unusual major-minor combinations infuse additional skills, viewpoints, and ideas, which they can then apply to their professional and personal life. Similarly, those students with double majors are more insulated from job insecurity than single major or major-minor combinations that are closely related. The National Bureau of Economics published a report stating: 

Double majors experience substantial protection against earnings shocks, of 56%. Furthermore, the protection double majors experience is more pronounced when the two majors are more distantly related, highlighting the importance of diverse skill sets. Double majors are more likely to work in jobs that require a diverse set of skills and knowledge and are less likely to work in occupations that are closely related to their majors.

Allegheny College students thrive because of our major-minor combinations, and real-world applications of some unusual combinations can be found in stories here. Examples include degrees in art and biology, history and environmental science, and global health studies and Spanish to name a few. Not only do our faculty deliver academic excellence in a vibrant and inclusive setting, but outcomes are built into the entire Allegheny experience. 

Interested in learning more about what major-minor combinations you could explore? Schedule an in-person or online visit to learn more and request more information.