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Senior Comp Challenges Common Misconceptions of Tarantulas

Allegheny College student Megan Collins ’22 is hoping to disprove misconceptions about one of the most widely feared but misunderstood creatures — the tarantula.  As an environmental science & sustainability major and psychology minor, Collins says the goal of her Senior Comp is to create an environmental education program about tarantulas to help people become […]

Two Allegheny College Students Awarded Prestigious Department of Defense SMART Scholarship

Allegheny College students Morgan Douglas ’23 and Rachael Harris ’23 have been awarded the U.S. Department of Defense Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship.  This award provides Douglas and Harris with full tuition for their graduate studies at Carnegie Mellon University, where they will be participating in the 3-2 cooperative program for a […]

Allegheny College Students and Faculty Member Receive Prestigious Statewide Honor as Campus Sustainability Champions

The Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium has honored Allegheny College students Ashlynn Peachey and Molly Tarvin and Environmental Science & Sustainability Professor Eric Pallant as 2022 Campus Sustainability Champions. The program recognizes students, faculty, administrators and staff, as well as student and non-student organizations, of Pennsylvania colleges and universities who have made meaningful contributions toward environmental […]

Sen. Brooks, Allegheny College and East Stroudsburg University Join Forces to Take on Tickborne Diseases through Local Tick Mitigation Study

As the state with the highest number of Lyme disease cases in the nation, Sen. Michele Brooks has been committed to making inroads as Pennsylvania combats a surging tick population and works to increase awareness of testing, diagnosis and treatment of tickborne diseases. As infection rates reach crisis levels, Brooks has been consulting and collaborating […]

The Dirt on Allegheny College’s DIRT Experiment

Walking through Bousson Experimental Forest reveals towering trees, small streams, occasional glimpses of white-tail deer, and frequent cries of songbirds. Yet we usually give little thought to what lies underfoot. To most, it’s just dirt. But forest soils are critically important in climate change investigations. Forests absorb enormous amounts of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, […]

“Power Up” Fundraising Campaign Supports Computer Science Opportunities for Allegheny College Students

Founded in 1979, the Department of Computer Science at Allegheny College has been around for more than four decades and is still looking for ways to innovate. Thanks to the success of their inaugural fundraising campaign and the alumni who supported it, the department will be able to strengthen opportunities for current and incoming students […]

Allegheny College to Host Annual Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference

The 49th annual Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference (WPUPC) will be held at Allegheny College on Saturday, April 30.  “Allegheny’s Psychology Department is honored and excited to host this year’s WPUPC conference and to welcome students from colleges and universities in Northwest Pennsylvania to showcase their work,” said Lydia Eckstein, Ph.D., associate professor and chair […]

Allegheny College to Host Fifth World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities

Allegheny College, one of the nation’s oldest and most innovative four-year colleges where multidisciplinary learning breaks the conventional mold, will host the Fifth World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2022), June 16–17, 2022. This year’s symposium focuses on “Educating the Sustainability Leaders of the Future” and will contribute to development of this fast-growing field. […]

Allegheny College Student Receives Diversity Travel Award To Present Research

Allegheny College student Fenn Kathman ’23 has been awarded the American Psychology-Law Society’s Broadening Representation, Inclusivity, Diversity, and Global Equity (BRIDGE) Committee Diversity Travel Award for their research.  Kathman’s project, “Effects of Race and Gender on Perception of Exonerees: An Intersectional Approach,” was completed last summer in collaboration with Professors Christopher Normile, Lupita Gonzalez, and […]

Senior Investigates the Environmental Effects of Road Salt in Crawford County

Together, Pennsylvania and New York use 1,215,660 tons of road salt each winter to melt snow and ice. Allegheny College student Mary Allen ’22 used her Senior Comprehensive Project to examine the negative impact of road salt on the environment — and to explore more eco-friendly alternatives to help keep travelers safe.  “I am extremely […]