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Charlie Gibson '25

Allegheny College Student Receives Research Grant & Featured In The Astrophysical Journal

Charles Gibson ’25 says he chose Allegheny College because it allowed him to pursue his unusual combination— physics and music performance.

Allegheny College's Long-Term Soil Study Receives National Recognition By Soil Science Society of America

Three-Decade Soil Study Receives National Recognition By Soil Science Society of America

A rare, three-decade long study of forest soil, held at the Bousson Environmental Research Reserve was recently highlighted by Soil Society of America, a leading publication in the field.

Meadville Market House

Allegheny College Launches Community Impact Hub to Benefit Meadville and the Region with New $15 Million Grant

Allegheny College announces the creation of the Community Impact Hub (the Hub) with a generous $15 million grant from a source that wishes to remain anonymous. 

Bird Research

Studying The Effects Of Climate Change On Tree Swallows & Eastern Blue Birds

How does climate change affect birds? Student and faculty collaboration are tackling that answer by investigating Tree Swallows and Eastern Blue Birds. Featured are: Jennifer Houtz, professor of biology Sunny Stout ’26, an environmental major with an Arabic minor Nelly Stafford ’25, a biology major with a psychology minor

The Benefits of Unusual Major-Minor Combinations

The Benefits of Unusual Major-Minor Combinations

One of the hallmarks of Allegheny College is the requirement for students to select majors and minors that push exploration of their interests.  We are a campus of students who combine passions for their learning journey, preparing them for much more than one thing to do in life. The outcomes are exceptional, both in the […]

Bentley Hall

People & Places: December 2023 – April 2024

Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Sustainability Delia Byrnes contributed an essay titled “Ecocriticism: From the Wilderness Idea to Just Multispecies Futures” to the edited collection The Routledge Companion to Literature and Social Justice, which was published on November 20, 2023.  Her essay traces the theoretical field of ecocriticism from its origins in European and […]

Allegheny College Receives $299

Allegheny College Receives $299,925 Grant to Support Student Summer Research in the Sciences

Allegheny College received a $299,925 grant from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation to support student summer research in the sciences. Dr. Matt Venesky, associate professor of biology and director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (URSCA), is the project director. During each year of the three-year grant, funding will cover stipends for […]

a student wearing a hat and sunglasses

Allegheny Student Studies Away At Duke University Marine Lab

One experience changed the trajectory of Samantha Dzierba ‘25— leading her to dedicate herself and her career toward the stewardship of ocean life.  During the fall of 2023, Dzierba was surrounded by sea life while studying away at the Duke University Marine Lab in Beaufort, North Carolina. The experience allowed her unique access to various […]

portrait of a person in a black shirt

Allegheny College Students and Faculty Member Honored as 2023 Campus Sustainability Champions

The prestigious Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium 2023 Campus Sustainability Champions honor was bestowed to Allegheny College student London Dejarnette, Solar Pilot Team, and Environmental Science & Sustainability Assistant Professor Matt Bethurem. This honor recognizes students, faculty, administrators, staff, student organizations, and non-student organizations of Pennsylvania schools who have made meaningful contributions to sustainability on their […]

Allegheny College Student Selected for Fulbright Fellowship- Becca

Allegheny College Alum Teaching in Bulgaria as a Fulbright Fellow

Allegheny College senior Becca Winton ’23 has been awarded a Fulbright fellowship, allowing her to teach English to high school students in Panagyurishte, Bulgaria, and adult learners at the Professional School of Industrial Technologies, Management, and Tourism.  “I’m hoping to learn more about multicultural education and gain knowledge about different types of education systems. I’m […]