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a group of students planting trees

People & Places: October 2023

People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies Carl Olson’s essay titled, “Uttering Curses in Classical Hinduism: An Inquiry into Power and Violence,” will be published by Studies in Linguistics and Literature. Early next […]

a man in a grey jacket with name tags

Alumnus Mentors Future Healthcare Leaders at Yale University

As a senior medical resident on the clinician-educator track at Yale University, Mike Arcieri ’17 addresses patients’ health needs while educating and mentoring future healthcare leaders. Arcieri says his strong foundation in research from Allegheny College gave him the support to pursue his passion.  “At Allegheny, you get to see a project from start to […]

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International Student Develops Application To Support Fellow Ukrainians

After witnessing her family and fellow Ukrainians forced from their country due to the Russo-Ukrainian War, Sasha Shafran ’25 was inspired to help those suffering. “The war in Ukraine, my family being forced to flee the country, and not having a defined place I can call home came together all at once,” says Shafran, studying […]

a young man in a suit and tie

People & Places: September 2023

People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Blake Neiderlander ’24 recently completed a ten-week-long biomedical ethics research internship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, as one of the six candidates selected for this highly competitive program. Over the summer, […]

Marla A. Sacks- Alumni Feature

Allegheny Graduate Serves Marginalized Through Pediatric Surgery

Driven by a passion for serving the marginalized, Marla A. Sacks ’13 has traveled to the Philippines, Ghana, Zambia, and Vietnam to perform critical pediatric surgery in low-resource areas while pursuing a general surgery residency at the State University of New York Downstate Health Sciences University. “I am humbled each day to have the opportunity […]

a man standing in front of a poster

People & Places: June/July 2023

People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Kirsten Peterson, Senior Assistant Dean of Student Success for Health Professions Advising, presented at the NEAAHP (Health Professions Advisors) meeting held in June 2023 at Niagara Falls. Her topic was “Speaking of Competencies,” […]

a person standing in front of a research poster

People & Places: May 2023

People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Campus newspaper staff members Sydney Emerson ’23 and Sami Mirza ’24 were recognized with Student Keystone Awards from the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association. Emerson, an opinion editor for The Campus, received a first-place honor […]

portrait of a person in a black shirt

People & Places: April 2023

People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Mark Cosdon, Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies, will return to Sicily’s University of Palermo this fall to teach a course on contemporary American Theatre. While in Italy, Cosdon will present a pair […]

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Allegheny College Professor’s Paper Featured in American Psychological Association Journals Article Spotlight

Christopher Normile, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Allegheny College, and Kyle Scherr, Ph.D., of Central Michigan University, recently had their paper, titled “False Confessions Predict a Delay Between Release from Incarceration and Official Exoneration,” featured in the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Journals Article Spotlight. The spotlight provides a brief summary of the article, which […]

portrait of a person in a blue shirt

Two Allegheny College Students Selected for Fulbright Canada Fellowships

Allegheny College students Evelyn Griffith ’24 and Emily Mullen ’24 have been awarded fellowships with the Fulbright Canada-MITACS Globalink program. They will conduct advanced research under the supervision of a graduate-level professor for 10 to 12 weeks during the summer in Canada.  “The fact that both of our first-time applicants have been awarded the fellowship […]