People & Places: January–February 2025
People & Places, emailed monthly during the academic year to the campus community, reports on the professional activities of members of the college community and highlights student achievements.
People & Places, emailed monthly during the academic year to the campus community, reports on the professional activities of members of the college community and highlights student achievements.
People & Places, emailed monthly during the academic year to the campus community, reports on the professional activities of members of the college community and highlights student achievements.
Anna Westbrook '26, news editor of The Campus, and Sam Heilmann '26, editor-in-chief of The Campus, were among those honored this summer by the Press Club of Western Pennsylvania at the Golden Quills Awards dinner in Pittsburgh.
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Sustainability Delia Byrnes contributed an essay titled “Ecocriticism: From the Wilderness Idea to Just Multispecies Futures” to the edited collection The Routledge Companion to Literature and Social Justice, which was published on November 20, 2023. Her essay traces the theoretical field of ecocriticism from its origins in European and […]
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recognized Allegheny College for achieving its energy savings goal as a partner in the Better Buildings Challenge. The event was hosted by the White House and attended by Kelly Boulton, Director of Sustainability. Allegheny College is one of only four higher education institutions recognized as Better Buildings Challenge 2023 […]
People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies Carl Olson’s essay titled, “Uttering Curses in Classical Hinduism: An Inquiry into Power and Violence,” will be published by Studies in Linguistics and Literature. Early next […]
People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Blake Neiderlander ’24 recently completed a ten-week-long biomedical ethics research internship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, as one of the six candidates selected for this highly competitive program. Over the summer, […]
People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Adrienne Krone, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science & Sustainability and Religious Studies, and Brittany Davis, previously Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Black Studies at Allegheny, published a chapter in the book Key […]
People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Kirsten Peterson, Senior Assistant Dean of Student Success for Health Professions Advising, presented at the NEAAHP (Health Professions Advisors) meeting held in June 2023 at Niagara Falls. Her topic was “Speaking of Competencies,” […]
People & Places is a monthly highlight of the ongoing professional activities and achievements of faculty, staff, and students of the College. Campus newspaper staff members Sydney Emerson ’23 and Sami Mirza ’24 were recognized with Student Keystone Awards from the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association. Emerson, an opinion editor for The Campus, received a first-place honor […]
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