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Oliver Bonham-Carter

Associate Professor

Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Omaha, Information Science and Technology with specialization in Bioinformatics; M.S, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Mathematics; B.S., Creighton University, Biology

Emily Graber

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., Stanford University, Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics; B.S., University of Michigan, Interdisciplinary Physics; B.M.A. University of Michigan, Violin Performance

Morgan Green

Assistant Professor

MFA., School of the Art Institute of Chicago; B.A., University of Southern California

Janyl Jumadinova

Associate Professor

Department Chair of Computer and Information Science

Ph.D., M.A., University of Nebraska at Omaha; B.S., Peru State College

Gregory Kapfhammer

Associate Professor

Ph.D., M.S., University of Pittsburgh; B.S., Allegheny College

Douglas Luman

Assistant Professor

MFA, George Mason University; BS, Bradley University