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Annual Cost Overview 2025-26

$58,160Tuition and fees

$14,470Typical housing and food choice for first-year students

$72,630Total estimated cost

Annual Cost Overview 2024-25

Tuition and Fees: $56,550

Typical housing and food choice for first-year students: $14,100

Total estimated cost 2024-25: $70,650

Net Price Calculator

Students can estimate their expected aid by completing this helpful tool.

Apply for Aid

Your first step in applying for financial aid is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Allegheny College’s FAFSA code is 003230.


Merit scholarships up to $42,000 are awarded each year.

Direct Costs 2025-26

These are expenses billed by Allegheny College.

Annual Costs Living On Campus Living Off Campus Living at Home


Full-time: 12 to 24 credit hours/semester

Less than full-time: fewer than 12 credit hours/semester at $2,393/credit

$57,440 $57,440 $57,440
Mandatory Fees* $720 $720 $720
Housing** $7,530 ** **
Food** $7,800 ** **
Total Billable Expenses $73,490 ** **
Health Insurance

Students with alternative coverage can waive this expense

$1,993 $1,993 $1,993
Total Billable Expenses with Health Insurance $75,483 ** **

For direct costs for 2024-25, click here.

Indirect Costs 2025-26

These are expenses not billed by Allegheny College.

Annual Costs Living On Campus Living Off Campus Living at Home
Books*** $500 $500 $500
Transportation*** $1,350 ($2,000 for
international students)
$1,350 $1,350
Personal/Misc.*** $1,250 $1,250 $1,250
Total Cost of Attendance per year (without health
$76,590 (based on domestic transportation) $71,610 (based on housing and food estimates) $67,060 (based on housing and food estimates)

These figures represent costs for the 2025 fall semester and 2026 spring semester.

*The Student Health Center Fee is a mandatory charge included on students’ tuition bill that helps fund the medical and wellness services provided by the on-campus health center and available to all students. The Student Activities Fee is a mandatory charge included on students’ tuition bill that supports a wide range of student-centered activities, services, and programs enhancing the overall student experience beyond the

**Allegheny provides multiple housing and food options. The costs used to determine housing and food costs are estimates. A housing cost of $7,530 for on-campus living students represents a traditional room cost for first year students. Meal Plan Gator Gold, $7,800/year, is used to calculate an  on-campus and international student’s cost of attendance for financial aid eligibility as it provides 3 meals per day. However, Meal Plan Gator Blue, $6,940/year is our most popular option, and is used when estimating most student’s actual billable expenses.

Housing and food costs for students not living on campus are determined as follows from data reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Northeast region of the United States. Housing, living off campus: $6,750; housing, living at home, $2,200. Food, living off campus: $3,600; food, living at home: $3,600.

***Books, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses were calculated based on average expenses reported through a survey completed by a sample population of current students.

Study Abroad is the same as on-campus with the exception that the fees would be $800 instead of $720.

Federal loan origination fees are also added into the cost of attendance.  While actual federal parent PLUS loan origination fees are included, an average for the federal student loan origination fees is used in the cost of attendance.

Computer and Child Care Expenses: If a student incurs the cost of a computer or has child care expenses for their dependent(s) during the academic term, the Financial Aid Department can add the additional expense to their cost of attendance through a professional judgment. Students are not required to purchase a specific software program or computer for their studies; however, if a computer is needed for continuance of academic achievement at any time during the semester, students are able to provide documentation of the cost of the computer, and up to $2,000 will be added to their cost of attendance. Students can contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance in amending their cost of attendance for either of the expenses.

For indirect costs for 2024-25, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tuition and Fees

Does Allegheny College offer tuition insurance?

Yes, tuition insurance is available. GradGuard Tuition Protection Plan, provided by Allianz Global Assistance, is offered to Allegheny College students as a voluntary student benefit.


Does Allegheny College offer student health insurance?

Yes, student health insurance is available through Allegheny College if you don’t already have adequate health insurance coverage that is valid for the Meadville area.

What are the other possible fees for students?

Fee Amount/Notes
Acadeum Consortial Courses

If you enroll in courses offered through Acadeum, a fee will be assessed for each course taken. This fee is in addition to tuition and is nonrefundable after the last day to drop a course. See the Office of the Registrar for more information on Acadeum.

$715 per course
Administrative Fee – Off-Campus Programs

An administrative fee is charged if you elect to study in an approved off-campus program.

$800 per semester
Auxiliary Cancellation Fee

If you take a leave of absence or withdraw from the college after physically moving into your housing assignment for the term, you will be assessed this fee up until the 60% marker in the semester.


You may order all of your textbooks online and have them shipped to the College’s Post Office or another address. Visit the Allegheny Bookstore to get started.

$400 – $800

(varies per courses taken)

Campus Center Fees

The Campus Center’s Game Room houses a collection of DVD movie titles that are free to sign out for 48 hours with the student’s AllCard.

You may pay any fines throughout the semester by visiting the Student Leadership and Involvement Office, located on the third floor of the Campus Center. Fines unpaid by the end of the semester are submitted to Financial Services, where they are applied to your billing account. If you have a question regarding a Campus Center fine/fee, contact the Student Leadership and Involvement Office at 814-332-2754.

$2 per movie rental per day late fee

$33 lost movies replacement fee after 9 days

Cooperative Program Fee

A processing fee of $25 for a one-year program or $50 for a two-year program is charged when you apply for enrollment in a Cooperative Program (a 3-1 or 3-2 program). This fee helps to offset costs of special record maintenance, correspondence, and transfer credit. All accounts must be in good standing before approval for the application will be given.

$25 – 1 year

$50 – 2 years

Course Auditing Fee

Full-time students may audit additional courses for no additional charge with the permission of the instructor.

Non-degree-seeking students auditing courses are responsible for any special laboratory or damage fee, but will not be charged required fees.

Other individuals must: obtain the permission of the instructor and of the Office of Admissions, list their intention to audit the course with the Financial Services Office, and pay a fee equal to half of the semester course fee.

1/2 of course fee for non-students
Course Overload Fee

If you register for any course within a semester that takes your total credit load in that semester above 24 credits, you will be charged a fee for each additional credit over 24. The fee will be equal to the per-credit tuition fee for that semester.

$2,328 per credit over 24 credits
Dorm Damage Fee

If damage is assessed when you move out of a residence hall, apartment, or College-owned house, you will receive a copy of the Room Condition Report and a charge will be added to your account. If you have a question regarding a Dorm Damage Fee, contact the Residence Life Office at 814-332-3865.

Varies depending on damage
Early Arrival/Late Departure

Any student moving into their assigned residence hall, apartment, or College-owned housing prior to the scheduled arrival date will be assessed a fee. Any student not departing from their residence hall, apartment, or College-owned housing by the required departure date will be assessed a fee.

Independent Study Program Fee

An administrative study fee is charged if you elect to participate in an Independent Study Program.

$1,200 per semester
Insufficient Funds

When a check is returned unpaid for any reason, the insufficient funds fine will be charged to your account.

$30 each occurrence
Late Payment Fee

If the account balance is not paid or payment arrangements are not made by the drop/add period each semester, a late payment fee of $100 will be applied to your account. If a balance remains at the end of the semester, an additional $150 fee will be applied. Any balance remaining 60 days after leaving the College (graduation, withdrawal, leave of absence, etc.) will be sent to collections.

Up to $250 per semester
Library Fine

Overdue reminders, recall notices, and hold notices are sent to you via email or directly to your campus post office box. The replacement cost of items is assessed when held longer than 50 days after the due date. If you have a question regarding a library fine, contact the Pelletier Library at 814-332-3768.

Late fees, lost books, etc.
Lock Out Fee

If you lock yourself out of your room, Public Safety will let you in. After three lock outs, you will be charged $25 per lock out. An appeal can be made through Public Safety.

$25 per occurrence
Lost Card Fee

If your ID card is lost or damaged, you must report the issue to Student Financial Services in Bentley Hall. Then the card is canceled and a new card is issued upon receipt of payment. If the Student Financial Services office is not open, please report to Public Safety in Murray Hall, and they will issue a temporary card.

$25 per occurrence
Lost Key Fee

If you lose your residence hall key, you should report this to the Office of Residence Life and/or Public Safety as soon as possible. For non-residence hall keys, please immediately notify the office that issued the key. If keys are lost, stolen, or not returned, you will be charged the lost key fee per key to cover the cost of lock changes. Failure to return College keys within 24 hours of moving out will result in an improper checkout charge equal to the lost key charge. Additionally, College keys should not be reproduced; this is subject to conduct action including a $500 fine.

$125 per occurrence
Music Lessons Fee

A music fee is assessed based on a weekly half-hour or hour lesson when you register for individual music-instruction studio classes (voice, organ, piano, orchestral instruments, etc.). If you have been billed for music lessons and are no longer planning to receive them, the lesson(s) must be dropped through the Registrar’s Office via an add/drop card. For any questions, please contact Financial Services at 800-376-7075, or in Bentley Hall.

$300 per credit
Parking Fines

Parking fines are assessed by Public Safety and charged to your account. You have 3 days to appeal a parking ticket. Appeals will be reviewed at the end of the semester. If you have a question regarding a parking fine, contact the Office of Public Safety at 814-332-3357.

Parking Permit Fee

You can request a parking permit in Self Service and pick up the sticker at the Public Safety Office located in Murray Hall. The Office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

$200 per year

Direct Costs 2024-25

These are expenses billed by Allegheny College.

Annual Costs Living On Campus Living Off Campus Living at Home


Full-time: 12 to 24 credit hours/semester

Less than full-time: fewer than 12 credit hours/semester at $2,328/credit

$55,860 $55,860 $55,860
Mandatory Fees* $690 $690 $690
Housing** $7,350 ** **
Food** $7,590 ** **
Total Billable Expenses $71,490 ** **
Health Insurance

Students with alternative coverage can waive this expense

$1,974 $1,974 $1,974
Total Billable Expenses with Health Insurance $73,464 ** **

Indirect Costs 2024-25

These are expenses not billed by Allegheny College.

Annual Costs Living On Campus Living Off Campus Living at Home
Books*** $400 $400 $400
Transportation*** $1,200 ($1,600 for
international students)
$1,200 $1,200
Personal/Misc.*** $1,100 $1,100 $1,100
Total Cost of Attendance per year (without health
$74,190 (based on domestic transportation) $69,578 (based on housing and food estimates) $64,872 (based on housing and food estimates)

These figures represent costs for the 2024 fall semester and 2025 spring semester.

*The Student Health Center Fee is a mandatory charge included on students’ tuition bill that helps fund the medical and wellness services provided by the on-campus health center and available to all students. The Student Activities Fee is a mandatory charge included on students’ tuition bill that supports a wide range of student-centered activities, services, and programs enhancing the overall student experience beyond the

**Allegheny provides multiple housing and food options. The costs used to determine housing and food costs are estimates. A housing cost of $7,350 for on-campus living students represents a traditional room cost for first year students. Meal Plan Gator Gold, $7,590/year, is used to calculate an  on-campus and international student’s cost of attendance for financial aid eligibility as it provides 3 meals per day. However, Meal Plan Gator Blue, $6,750/year is our most popular option, and is used when estimating most student’s actual billable expenses.

Housing and food costs for students not living on campus are determined as follows from data reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Northeast region of the United States. Housing, living off campus: $6,674; housing, living at home, $1,968. Food, living off campus: $3,654; food, living at home: $3,654.

***Books, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses were calculated based on average expenses reported through a survey completed by a sample population of current students.

Study Abroad is the same as on-campus with the exception that the fees would be $800 instead of $690.

Federal loan origination fees are also added into the cost of attendance.  While actual federal parent PLUS loan origination fees are included, an average for the federal student loan origination fees is used in the cost of attendance.

Computer and Child Care Expenses: If a student incurs the cost of a computer or has child care expenses for their dependent(s) during the academic term, the Financial Aid Department can add the additional expense to their cost of attendance through a professional judgment. Students are not required to purchase a specific software program or computer for their studies; however, if a computer is needed for continuance of academic achievement at any time during the semester, students are able to provide documentation of the cost of the computer, and up to $2,000 will be added to their cost of attendance. Students can contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance in amending their cost of attendance for either of the expenses.

Contact Financial Services


  • Weekdays: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • June/July, weekdays: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Bentley Hall, Room 107