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Why Minor in Black Studies at Allegheny College

As a Black Studies student, you’ll prepare to become a scholar and engaged member of local and global Black communities. You’ll explore African American and diasporic history and culture through a wide array of disciplines that challenge you and expand your perspectives.

Unusual Combinations
Students often combine Black Studies with:


  • Interdisciplinary Studies

Program Type

  • Minor

Number of Credits

20 for minor

Where Black Studies Alumni Work Today


Morella & Associates
Dean Phillips ’19

Student Engagement Coordinator / Diversity and Inclusion Specialist

Community College of Allegheny County

Aaliyah Coleman ’21

Residential Behavioral Therapist

Soar Autism Center
Khadra Jeylani ’22

Your Four-Year Journey

Black Studies Overview

Year 1: Understanding

Learn key concepts in the field, how to ask new questions that center Black cultures and race, and understand how contemporary activism and scholarship is grounded in the discipline’s activist roots.

Year 2: New Approaches

Your second year is when you’ll start to build your interdisciplinary program in consultation with your mentors by drawing on courses from across campus that bring your interests into focus.

Year 3: Delving Deeper

This is an important year as you learn the central role critical race theory plays in blending knowledge and activism. You also continue to build your minor from electives offered across campus.

Year 4: The Comp

In your final year, you’ll engage in a capstone course that synthesizes the minor and asks you to reflect on how you might draw on what you’ve learned in Black Studies as you think about your life after graduating from Allegheny.

Research and Internships

Allegheny Black Studies Students Turn Passion into Action

We’ll help open up a conversation that reflects the breadth and depth of African American experiences through real-world opportunities, from Allegheny’s own campus to places across the globe.

Our black studies students expand their knowledge through internships, study away, exchange programs, student organizations, and more.

On-Campus Involvement

There are various student clubs and organizations that students with an interest in black studies can get involved in right here on campus, including:

  • African Students Association
  • Association for the Advancement of Black Culture (ABC)
  • Black Girl Magic (BGM)
  • Men of Color Advancement Association (MOCAA)
  • Queer People of Color (QPOC)

Summer Study Tour

Instructed by JW P. Heuchert, this study tour is an investigation of development, change, and transition in South Africa, where exquisite animal and plant life, rich human diversity, complex history, and an exciting future make it a unique location to learn about another country and other cultures.

Study Away Opportunities

Students develop a profound firsthand understanding of the complex economic and social issues at work in Kenya or Senegal, and learn intercultural skills necessary to become an effective leader in an increasingly interdependent world.

Exchange Program

Allegheny offers an exchange program to South Africa University of Natal, Durban, or Pietermaritzburg Campuses, all locations in areas rich with history. The university offers courses that both supplement and enhance Allegheny’s curriculum. Students may study at Natal for one semester or for the entire academic year.

Faculty and Staff

Barbara Shaw

Associate Professor

Department Chair of Women’s, Gender, And Sexuality Studies

Ph.D., University of Maryland; M.A., University of Birmingham; Graduate Certificate and M.A., University of Maryland; B.A. Colby College

Heather Moore Roberson

Dean of Inclusive Excellence

Department Chair of Community and Justice Studies

Ph.D., M.A., Purdue University, B.A., Trinity College

Frequently Asked Questions About the Black Studies Program

Are there any clubs and activities available for Black Studies students?

Queer People of Color Club- QPOC is to provide inclusiveness to the QPOC/LGBTQ+ community.

Advancement of Black Culture- ABC is a group dedicated to the advancement of Black Culture on campus, including both the struggles and the accomplishments. We provide spaces where every member of the community can learn and grow in the academic setting and community-building environment. We strive to include fun and educational activities throughout the year that are related to Black Culture.

African Student Association-  ASA’s Mission: to embrace and share the different African countries and cultures represented at Allegheny College.

Program Contact

Alyssa Ribeiro

Associate Professor of History and Chair
