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Why Major in Biochemistry at Allegheny College

Biochemistry encourages you to engage with science by integrating biology, chemistry, and physics in innovative ways. You’ll develop important communication, research, and critical thinking skills that prepare you for success in a wide range of fields.

Unusual Combinations
Students often combine Biochemistry with:


  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Program Type

  • Major

Number of Credits

62 or 64 for major

Where Biochemistry Alumni Work Today

Director of Medical Oncology

Meadville Medical Center

Jason Brown ’97

Idaho State Veterinarian

Idaho State Department of Agriculture

Scott Leibsle ’99

President & CEO

Interphase Materials

Noah Snyder ’10

Microbial and Biome Sciences Group Leader

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Taraka Dale ’99

Director of Research

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation

Nicole Spardy Burr ’04

Senior Manager of Medical Affairs

Suneva Medical

Sarah Sckena ’10

Senior Scientist

Donald Danforth
Molly Hanlon ’09

OB/GYN Resident

Crozer Health

Erika Pack ’16

JD, Counsel

Beckman Coulter Diagnostics

Emily Starr ’16

Post-doctoral Fellow

UC Berkeley
Zach Shomo ’18

Research Account Executive

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Dana Bruce ’17

Medical Student


Carolyn Young ’20

Medical Student

LECOM-Seton Hill

Brayden Cartwright ’23

Your Four-Year Journey

Biochemistry Overview

Year 1: Understanding

In your first year, you’ll gain an introduction to the foundational concepts in biology, chemistry, and mathematics, taking classes that, in parallel, discuss the importance of interactions, energy, dynamics, equilibrium, and proportional reasoning. Many entry points into the major are available; however, most first-year students take Introduction to Chemistry (I, II), Introduction to Biology I, and Calculus (I, II).

Year 2: New Approaches

In your second year, you’ll take intermediate and core courses that reinforce the importance of interactions, energy, dynamics, equilibrium, and proportional reasoning. Additionally, a communication course is offered to learn evidence-based scientific writing and speaking. You’ll also take Organic Chemistry I, Introduction to Biology II, Physics I, and a seminar course in chemistry or biology.

Year 3: Delving Deeper

Your third year is your Core Biochemistry interdisciplinary experience: explore the intersection of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. In-class and laboratory experiences model interdisciplinary communication and use of foundational concepts to understand complex biological phenomena. The Junior Seminar strengthens evidence-based scientific writing and speaking and prepares you for the Senior Comp.

Year 4: The Comp

In your final year, you’ll take advanced courses in biology and chemistry that strengthen interdisciplinary communication and utilization of field-specific foundational concepts to understand complex biological phenomena. The Senior Comp (biology or chemistry) is a two-semester project under the mentorship of a Biochemistry faculty advisor, allowing you to develop relevant biochemical hypotheses and carry out investigations to test your original ideas.

Research and Internships

Allegheny Biochemistry Students Learn by Doing

We’ll prepare you to navigate the blurred distinctions between the sciences through an interdisciplinary and integrated major in the field of biochemistry.

You’ll be exposed to a variety of hands-on education opportunities as we encourage you to see the connections between scientific disciplines.

Special Lectures

The annual Lord Lecture brings some of the nation’s most distinguished chemists to the College for residencies of up to one week. Recent Lord Lecturers include:

  • Roald Hoffmann, Nobel Prize–winning chemist, poet, and playwright
  • Dudley Herschbach, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • George Whitesides, Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University and winner of the 1998 National Medal of Science
  • Katherine A. Mirica, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Dartmouth

The annual Darling Lecture Series brings a nationally-known biologist to campus for a public lecture and meetings with students.

Recent Internships

  • Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory
  • Oak Ridge National Lab
  • Duke University Marine Lab
  • South Dakota State University
  • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • Purdue University
  • University of Nebraska
  • Mayo Clinic
  • University of Colorado Anschutz Medical School

Graduate Schools

Our biochemistry program prepares students to attend graduate school in biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, immunology, microbiology, cell biology, pharmacology, etc.

Biochemistry majors are also prepared to enter the health professions (e.g., medicine, dentistry, optometry) or to seek employment in government and industrial laboratories.

Study Away Opportunities

Allegheny offers sponsored study-away programs in more than 15 countries across the world.

Student Research

Many biochemistry majors carry out independent research or collaborative research with faculty in addition to the Senior Comp. Biochemistry majors frequently present their research at regional and national scientific conferences.

Recent Senior Comps

The Senior Comp is the culmination of four years of experience, imagination, and study. It is the moment when you demonstrate what you’ve learned by teaching us something new.

  • An Analysis of Frameshift Mutation on Mms21 Activity in DNA Damage Repair
  • A Comparative Analysis of the Structure-Function Relationship in Bacterial Eumelanin and Pyomelanin
  • The Independent Function of Mms21 E3 SUMO Ligase
  • Characterization of Histone Variant H2a.z in DNA Damage Response and Repair
  • High Glucose Induced Oxidative Stress in Human Retinal Cells in the Presence and Absence of Glucocorticoid Signaling
  • Generating novel col4a1 gene mutations in Drosophila melanogaster using CRISPR/Cas9
  • Knockdown of the TDP-43 protein to model ALS in Drosophila melanogaster
  • Correlating Antimicrobial Peptide Expression with Infection Status in Ixodes scapularis Ticks
  • Exploring Negative Chemotaxis Interactions of Two Attractants in Dictyostelium discoideum

Faculty and Staff

Alice Deckert


Ph.D., Stanford University; B.S. Chemistry & B.A. Mathematics, Bethel College

Matt Betush

Assistant Professor

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of degree is an Biochemistry major?

Students who major in Biochemistry at Allegheny College will earn a Bachelor of Science degree.

Are there any clubs and activities available for Biochemistry students?

Biochemistry Club- ACBC aims to develop a more welcoming community for Biochemistry majors who feel stuck in-between both of the Chemistry and Biology majors. ACBC is organized by a team of Biochemistry faculty and chosen students to help bring informational and fun events about current topics in Biochemistry and different career paths in the field.

Program Contact

Tricia Humphreys

Professor; Program Director
