Reunion Class Information

Online registration opens on Monday, March 31, 2025 at 11:00 am (ET), at which time you can register for on-campus lodging and any meals and activities you wish to attend!

These reunion weekends make me so thankful to have gone to Allegheny. My friends from other colleges do not get to experience anything like these weekends. My time at Allegheny is so precious to me — it’s where I met my husband and so many friends who have become family. I love an excuse to come back and visit, and relive those college years! Thank you for organizing this and I can’t wait to do it again in the future!

Reunion Giving
As you reflect on the meaningful role that the College has played in your life, we hope you also will consider making a special gift in honor of your Reunion and your Allegheny education. You can help make the same life-changing experience possible for today’s students—and strengthen the College for generations to come.