Allegheny Dance and movement studies students learn through expression

We’ll set the stage for your success by giving you opportunities to enhance technical skill and personal presence in the studio. You’ll learn to promote wellness and self-discovery, investigate performance values, and to build community.

Our dance and movement studies students hone their practice through experiential learning, leadership opportunities, study away, and more.


Ballet dancers on stage
Two students dancing on stage
Internship in Dance studies

Requires intensive work in one or more of the following dance studies educational programs: Creating Landscapes for Children and Teens; Aesthetic Education Symposia for Teachers; Allegheny Enrichment Program for High School and Middle School Students; High School Programs for the Gifted and Self-Identified Talented. 

In addition, they share, in the development of exhibitions, performances, and publications of student-generated work. Discussions and written reflections synthesize experiences and research.

Leadership Opportunities

Students have the opportunity to produce and direct concerts and dance ensembles.

Students posing backstage
Dancers on stage
Independent Study

Available to qualified students seeking to do advanced work outside the scope of scheduled course offerings. A project proposal must be submitted and approved in the semester prior to the semester in which the student registers for the course.