Spiritual, Religious and Personal Wellbeing (SRPW) Groups
SRPW offers a number of opportunities for students to balance their academic pursuits with religious and spiritual activities. In addition to religious services, Allegheny students can engage in groups that provide personal and social connections, outreach to the community, and programming. Along with the clubs listed below, the South Asian Student Society provides a home for many Hindu students, and some Buddhists belong to the Meditation Club. All students are welcome to become involved in MOSAIC. A number of small groups and Bible studies are available each semester, including Women’s Bible Study, Dudes Bible Study, and occasional book groups.

MOSAIC (Interfaith)
MOSAIC stands for Meaningful Open Spiritual And Inter-religious Collaborative. The image captures the gathering of students with different backgrounds in a way that allows these differences to shine, instead of melding together as they would in a melting pot. In MOSAIC, students learn about religious beliefs and culture, discover ways to negotiate real life issues that arise from interfaith engagement, and explore issues of common concern.
MOSAIC does not have regularly scheduled meetings, but offers periodic discussions and social events. Discussions have addressed religious views of death and afterlife, religion and sexuality, accommodating religious diversity in public schools, and interfaith/ecumenical marriage. Annual social events include a Fall Crawl to the different religious houses on campus for socializing over food, and a Religious Life Mixer in the spring.
SRL Week
MOSAIC coordinates the annual SRL Week, which offers programs, performances, discussions, and fellowship events to the campus community. Weekly themes are chosen to support the College’s annual theme and have included “Women in Religion,” “Connections,” and “Faith and Community.”
Advisor: TBD

Hillel: A Home Away from Home
Hillel is a student-led organization that supports and encourages the exploration of Jewish life and culture through religious, educational, and social programs. Students in Hillel work to provide a community that helps Jewish students celebrate, learn, and explore Jewish heritage.
Activities include:
- Weekly Shabbat Services and/or Dinners
- High Holiday Services
- Gift of Life Drive
- Decorating and Eating in the Sukkah
- Latke Fest
- Purim Party
- Passover Seders
- Experiential Learning and Service Trips
- Bagel Brunches
- Holocaust Remembrance Events
- Birthright Israel
For more information, you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook. And if you have any questions or want more information, send us an email (!
Allegheny Hillel Food Policy
At Allegheny Hillel, we want all of our meals to be inclusive and community centered. Because many members of our community adhere to kosher-style, vegetarian, and vegan diets, we mainly serve vegetarian meals with vegan options when possible. We decided as a community in fall 2016 to commit to higher welfare eggs as part of the Hazon and JIFA higher welfare eggs initiative and have served only high welfare eggs since then.
Allegheny Hillel is part of the Hazon Seal of Sustainability
Hazon is a national organization that is the Jewish lab for sustainability and we are excited to partner with them to make our meals at Hillel a more sustainable food experience.
Advisor: Sami Alkyam
Hillel on Instagram

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets once a week and provides a safe and welcoming place for all students who are interested in exploring, discussing, and sharing their Christian faith. The group comprises athletes and non-athletes and uses the tool of sports to facilitate and fuel conversations and explore the world around us.
“FCA has allowed me to grow deeper in my faith while being surrounded by a community of believers.”
—Becca Winton ’23
At a Thursday night FCA meeting, you will find a group of highly enthusiastic, friendly, active students, who are participating in a mix of games, devotion, conversation, and a sharing of their faith. The diversity and mixture of students who gather make the group a unique and fantastic community to become a part of.
Follow us on Instagram to learn more!
“Going to FCA every week gives me an escape from the fast college life where I can sit back and take a breather. It’s something that is a true eye opener, providing me with many learning experiences and bringing me closer to God. I’m very appreciative of FCA and glad I can be a part of it.”
—Cam Schadl ’21

Newman Catholic Campus Ministry
The Newman Association provides faith and fellowship events for Alleghenians who are interested in the Catholic Christian faith. The group provides opportunities to practice and learn about Catholic Christianity, to build fellowship with others of the faith, and to share the Catholic Christian faith and culture with the Allegheny community.
Newman helps students grow in faith through:
- Weekly Mass
- Dinner with the Bishop
- Stations of the Cross
- Tenebrae
- Retreats
- January Mission Trip
Fellowship activities include:
- French Creek Watershed Cleanup
- Family Weekend Brunch
- Corn Maze Outing
- Confessions and Coldstone
- Easter Egg Hunt
Other events include dinner with Homebound Parishioners, an event for SRL Week, and “Mass on the Grass” the final week of the year, weather permitting.
Newman Advisor: Rev. Fr. Jeff Lucas
Assisting New Advisor: Deacon Ed Horneman
814-332-2800 or 814-282-9859
Newman on Instagram

Sojourners is an interfaith spirituality group open to anyone and everyone on campus. It is a space to pause and reflect on your own experiences while learning about those of your peers. Students engage both heart and mind in lively discussions about how their faith informs the many issues and changes that mark their college years. Sojourners’ weekly dinner meetings are usually student-led. Sharing joys and concerns and group prayer binds students together in love for each other and the concerns of the world.
Sojourners organizes meditations, fellowship opportunities to learn about religious holidays and their histories, and open conversational meetings for students to discuss what is on their minds. Sojourners discusses real-life questions that cut across the diversity of the SRL Clubs.
SRPW Major Events
FRIDAY, MAY 10TH, 2024 4:30 pm
Related to the Latin word “baccalaureus” which refers to the granting of a bachelor’s degree, Baccalaureate service has its roots in our nation’s colonial period. Beginning with the founding of Harvard College in 1636, American higher education was predominantly private and religious in character, a characteristic that continued until the establishment of the first public Land Grant colleges in the mid-nineteenth century.
In such a context, it was natural that religious expression would be integral to official observance. Thus began a uniquely American graduation custom: Baccalaureate service. Allegheny College celebrates with a service and content that reflect the multi-faith nature of our community and seek to address the spiritual aspect of this milestone for all of our graduates, regardless of their religious or spiritual commitment.
For More Info:
Spiritual, Religious and Personal Wellbeing
Campus Center 311C or 814-332-4356