Health and Wellbeing
Wellness is an act of practicing habits that help keep us strong physically, and mentally resilient to the many challenges that life can throw our way. Allegheny College acknowledges and supports the importance of holistic wellness in our community. We understand that all students are unique and individual in their needs. In order to be our best, we seek to find balance in all areas of our life.

Winslow Health and Wellbeing Center
The Winslow Health and Wellbeing Center staff supports the needs of our diverse student body through the provision of individual holistic care and education programs and activities.
Areas of Support
You are unique and have individual care needs. Explore the many health and wellness support options at Allegheny College to find what works for you.
Care for your body to promote healthy physical development.
Respect yourself and others, and leverage coping skills to overcome hardship and setbacks.
Create and maintain healthy relationships with family, friends, and coworkers and have a sense of belonging, connection, and community.
Identify a sense of purpose and a set of structured beliefs and morals that gives your life personal meaning and value.
Identify and sustain a safe and nurturing physical and social environment.
Develop an active and inquisitive mind to be capable of positively using available resources to enhance your knowledge.
Find personal enrichment and sustainable passion from the work you choose to do.
Access the knowledge and resources to financially plan and maintain your personal needs and wants successfully.
Digital Safety
Identify and monitor your health and safety while utilizing technology.
Health Insurance Requirements
All students are required to carry adequate health insurance that can be used in the Meadville area. If you don’t already have coverage, student health insurance is available through the College.