Community Impact Hub
Arts and Culture
How do we build rich and inclusive communities that create a sense of place through the arts and our cultural assets?
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Impact Team Scope
Projects within this Impact Team will include place-making efforts, aesthetics, public art, eco-art, visual, performing, creative arts, work with institutions of display (historical societies, museums, galleries), cultural events, projects related to food.
Lauren Paulson
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Impact Team
Goodell Gardens Environmental History and Interpretive Signage Project
Goodell Garden's & Homestead belonged to Carrie and Margaret Goodell - sisters who left their farm property to the Erie Community Foundation in order to preserve their homestead and turn it into a public garden.Learn More
Devised Theatre/Arts Curriculum
Students worked with local kids from Meadville to create theatre over several weeks.Learn More
Public Arts Feasibility and Commission Design
Developed the foundation for a Public Arts Program in Meadville by conducting and investigating research on commissioning and maintaining public art projects.Learn More
Book Arts Exhibition at the Meadville Public Library
ART 545 students organized the exhibition, "Unbound: What's Your Story," and related educational programming featuring contemporary book arts.Learn More