The Arc Community Greenspace: Celebrating Mill Run
Over the summer, Eleanor helped Professor Amara Geffen with the design and creation of the new ARC Community Greenspace. During the 8 weeks, she was able to create a bannder design and 3 separate color ways to be displayed at the front of the site, help gather table-top mural designs with the use of a handmade template (as well as making a few of her own), and create a rough draft for the educational signage that will be featured on the site. During the 8 weeks, she also helped Professor Jesse Swan-Quinn in preparation for his fall 2023 course ENVSC 290 Counter-Ecologies: Storytelling, Power, and the Environment. During time spent with him, she frequented the Crawford County Historical Society to go through and find old newspaper articles, photos, letters, and documents that would serve as useful sources for his class; she then scanned and summariazed the documents so the class would have easy access to everything they found.
Banner design, historical archive, and mural design and installation.Project Details
Arts and CultureTYPE
Community Engaged Learning (CEL)Community Based Research (CBR)
Direct Service and/or Social Action Project (SAP)
Economic Development and Workforce Development Stories